PBC Crowdfunding Course


In partnership with Kensington and Chelsea Council and the New Youthquake initiative and is aimed at 16-30-year-olds.

Crowdfunding – Understanding how to Raise Finance and test ideas using the Crowd

Duration: 90 minutes, 15 mins either side for registration and Q&A

Companies are traditionally funded through equity, debt and occasionally through grants. Crowdfunding is an alternative form of funding that is growing in popularity as it becomes more widely understood.

Robert Foster will explore the pros and cons of crowdfunding, how it works, and what is it best suited to. Case studies and examples, both successful and unsuccessful, are used throughout this interactive introductory workshop.

Areas of Expertise: Strategic planning; social enterprise and trading options; impact and evaluation; marketing and marketing communications; tendering, commissioning and procurement; project management

Background: Robert spent several years in the commercial sector working for big and small companies, local outfits and multi-nationals. He set up and ran his own commercial organisation and then decided there must be more to life and business than “this”. Now Robert enjoys being nosey and opinionated in the social sector. Being able to get to know people, organisations and problems and then helping to sort things out keeps him young.

He advises and consults with local authorities, infrastructure bodies, and third sector and social enterprises to help them achieve their aims.

His clients like His ability to understand, simplify and solve their problems.

“I use commercial models to fix social problems”

Robert Foster, Co-Founder

A bit more about Youthquake…

New Youthquake is designed to give opportunities to West London’s young business minds and creative talent. Participants will have many chances to learn new skills and pioneer new ways of doing things on a market. New businesses and existing traders are invited to get a feel of a lively market environment, and shoppers are encouraged to visit and discover all that their markets have to offer. Stay updated by returning to this page, liking New Youthquake on Facebook, following @NewYouthquake on Twitter and @newyouthquake on Instagram.

The event is finished.


May 23 2017