With the current Covid-19 pandemic the PBC Team have decided to close the physical office at Canalside House from tomorrow with staff working from home to ensure the health and safety of our clients, employees and suppliers/contractors are not compromised in any way.
All our training courses and events for March and April will be canceled in response to the Government and Health Department Advice. We are working hard at the moment to ensure we can continue providing services to those that need assistance.
You can still contact us on 020 7460 5050 or by email info@pbc.co.uk. If you need business advice you can book a telephone call appointment with one of our business advisors. We may be able to accept Skype calls as well in the near future.
If you are booked on any of our courses and have paid a fee/deposit we are in the process of making refunds. Rest assured that we will contact you once we feel it is safe to reschedule courses/events giving you as much notice as possible.
We will be back to normal service as soon as it is possible. For now we hope you all stay safe and we all continue to support each other through these unprecedented times.
For more information and advice against Coronavirus (COVID-19):
Find out how to protect yourself or check if you need medical help on the NHS website
The RBKC Council now has a on Coronavirus (COVID-19) containing information about the virus for residents and groups including care homes, businesses and schools.
Government advice to businesses:
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for UK businesses Guidance for UK businesses impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19).
Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for employees, employers and businesses Information on healthcare advice for employers and support for businesses.
Coronavirus: if your company cannot file accounts with Companies House on time If Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected your company and you need more time to file your accounts, you should act before your filing deadline.
Keep up-to-date with the latest information on Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Mayor calls meeting with business leaders to discuss coronavirus
Cash flow and rent issues: Businesses experiencing difficulties in these areas are encouraged to speak directly with their bank and/or landlord in the first instance to discuss payment holidays/deferments. PBC business advisors can also advise on these subjects.
Funding for SMEs impacted by coronavirus from Nat West: click here for London’s Growth Hub portal and news on Nat West’s funding
Support package from Lloyds Bank for businesses impacted by coronavirus: click here for more information
Coronavirus business interruption loan scheme: The government will launch a temporary Coronavirus business interruption loan scheme, delivered by the British Business Bank, to help businesses to access bank lending and overdrafts.
The government will provide lenders with a guarantee of 80% on each loan to reduce barriers to lenders providing finance to SMEs.
The scheme will support loans of up to £2.1 million in value for each business. The British Business Bank is still working through the detail but their website (www.british-business-bank.co.uk) says (as at 13 March 2020), “It will operate in a similar way to the enterprise finance guarantee (EFG) and be provided by the British Business Bank, but will offer more attractive terms for both businesses and lenders, with the aim of supporting the continued provision of finance to UK businesses during the COVID-19 outbreak.”.
Business Interruption Insurance: Those businesses that have this type of cover are advised to check directly with their insurers. Our initial enquires indicate that COVID-19 is likely to be excluded ‘at this time’ as it is such a new disease but may be subject to review by individuals insurers.
Please find more about other business support here as provided by Westway Trust.
Kind regards,
PBC Team