Latest Update Coronavirus

Latest Business Support

We just received a detailed email from RBKC’s Economic Development Team regarding the business support from the Council, Government and other agencies. Please read it below:
Central Government schemes that have a high level of interest are as follows:
For detailed information on the schemes below go to Government support for businesses and the self-employed.
1.    A business rates holiday for those eligible within the retail, hospitality and leisure industries for the 2020 to 2021 tax year – revised bills for 2020/21 are currently being issued by RBKC. Information on the closing of certain businesses and venues
2.    A grant of up to £25,000 for smaller businesses who were eligible for business rates retail relief Support for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses that pay business rates
3.    A grant of £10,000 for businesses in the borough that are currently in receipt of Small Business Rates Relief (SBRR). Support for businesses that pay little or no business rates plus Support for nursery businesses that pay business rates.
4.    The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Eligibility and other details are here: Support for employers through job retention scheme
5.    The (COVID-19) Self-employment Income Support Scheme is for those who are self-employed or a member of a partnership.  Eligibility and other details are here: Support for the self-employed
6.    If a person became self-employed from April 2019 they may not be eligible therefore may wish to explore universal credit. 
If a business is a relatively new start-up and has not yet registered for Small Business Rates Relief, submitting a hardship application to RBKC’s business rates team in respect of existing business rates might be applicable.  The application form is here.
The Council is writing to all businesses eligible for the above schemes requesting email contact details, and details for making payments.  If businesses can’t access their post at their premises you can email RBKC’s business rates team at, or complete your details through an online Covid 19 business rates application form,
Other government support includes:
Support for businesses through deferring VAT payments
Support for businesses paying tax: Time to Pay service.
Support for businesses who are paying sick pay to employees
More support from Central Government, Local Government, RBKC, and other agencies. 
RBKC COVID 19 BUSINESS PORTAL is the link for all information coming from RBKC, please refer all your clients and members here and use it with any information you take from this email to pass on.  Please refer back to the portal as it will get updated often.
New.  RBKC Business Interruption Fund.  The Council has set up a discretionary fund that smaller, private enterprises in the borough may be able to apply to.  The fund is for smaller, private enterprises in the borough, with either fewer than 20 employees or a turnover of less than £2 million, and provides access to a grant of up to £5,000. This emergency fund is only open to those who have experienced disruption to trading and income due to the Coronavirus and have not been able to source working capital from any other Government support scheme to cover essential business costs. Businesses can apply for RBKC’s Business Interruption Fund here RBKC COVID 19 BUSINESS PORTAL
New The COVID-19 Film and TV Emergency Relief Fund is now open. It has been launched by the British Film Institute together with the Film and TV Charity.  One-off grants of between £500 and £2,500 will be awarded based on need.  Tel. 0800 054 0000.  Applications close at 6pm Wednesday 22 April.
New Funding to Help England’s Tourism Organisations through Coronavirus Outbreak.  Eligible Destination Management Organisations will be able to receive up to £2,500 per month for two members of non-furloughed staff who provide crucial business support services and up to £5,000 to cover operating costs.  The funding, which is available to any at-risk DMO in England which usually receives at least 50% of its income from commercial sources, will be used to cover operating costs and the cost of employees that cannot be furloughed under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme because they provide crucial business support services.  The funding will last until 30 June 2020.  See.
New Website for businesses providing home delivery.  A new website has been launched to help people find out which small businesses are providing vital supplies during the coronavirus lockdown. The site has been set up by a London couple behind the Local Buyers Club, which has been championing independent businesses for the past two years. The website highlights local businesses offering home delivery of essentials (and treats).
New KCCC’s First Tuesday Question & Answer Online Event took place this week.  To see the full video of the event please go to KCCC You Tube Channel  Please start the video at 12 minutes – the start is the panel is being introduced to each other.     KCCC’s panel of experts alongside RBKC’s Head of Economic Development Graham Hart, and Lead Member for Skills and Enterprise Councillor Catherine Faulks; were:

  • Bright Graham Murray Accountants for help re HMRC and business loans  please contact Andrew Boyd Tel:07375 072091 Email:

RBKC funded support from the Portobello Business Centre: if you need business advice you can book a telephone call/meeting with one of PBC’s business advisors. You will also be able to book a Skype call so there is no need to attend at their office. Please call on: 020 7460 5050 to discuss, or visit the Portobello Business Centre website.
The London Growth Hub from The London Mayor have launched a portal to support London-based businesses and employers.  Attached is their latest information, including an online survey to understand how businesses are affected by COVID19.
Direct financial assistance – is available through the new temporary Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), See attached factsheet for SMEs. Support for larger firms through the COVID-19 Corporate Financing Facility
The RBKC Supply Chain offers services such as brokering opportunities with buyers, critical review of any tenders by a tendering specialist prior to submission.  See RBKC Supply Chain, or contact David McAlpine, Director, MTW Consultants Ltd, email or phone 07891165207.
Businesses renting commercial premises (including storage units) from the Council.  Rent is suspended for three months. Questions? Get in touch with RBKC’s property team at
We advise businesses not renting from RBKC to speak to their landlord and note that there is  Protection from eviction for commercial tenants,  See this link from TfL for their commercial tenants. 
Businesses in RBKC street markets.  Only food stalls (fruit and veg, fishmongers etc) as well as household goods (cleaning products etc) will operate. If businesses have a specific street trading question they can email RBKC’s Street Trading team at: or call them on tel: 020 7727 7684.
Food businesses – operational guidance.  Find out the Government’s latest information and advice on all aspects of food preparation and storage, including food hygiene, packing and disposal.  RBKC’s licensing team has written to food businesses with regard to this.  If you have any food safety or health and safety related questions please contact us;  or call 020 7361 3002
Food businesses – operating as a temporary takeaway.  See GOV.UK website for more information.  Businesses are  required to tell RBKC when the new use begins and ends.  Businesses can do this by contacting RBKC’s planning team at  
The Association of Convenience Stores has some useful guidance for corner shops. Go to ACS website
The Pop Up Business School.  This school had a one-week residency in the borough in November 2019 part-funded by RBKC and is posting free daily content. 
Startup Resilience from Capital Enterprise.  Help and support to guide you through Covid-19.  Capital Enterprise have developed a range of online events and support for businesses.
RBKC libraries team can provide information for research, product development and marketing.  See attached eNewsletter.  Go to Business Information Point or libraries web pages for free online resources.  And don’t forget that the British Library also has important online resources for businesses and the self-employed
And lastly…
Do you know a business that has an offer of support for the government?  The Government has launched a portal for the registration of offers of help, businesses are to use this service to tell us how they might be able to help with the response to coronavirus. See more here. There is a BEIS Business Support Helpline for any queries: 0300 456 3565.”

As always, the PBC team are ready to assist clients as required. Please contact or 020 7460 5050 for a telephone, Skype, or Zoom appointment.